Ecclesiastical Tribunals today there are local courts in almost every diocese, competent to judge in the first instance cases for the declaration of the nullity of a marriage as well as criminal cases.

The first instance of matrimonial nullity cases is held at the local ecclesiastical court having jurisdiction, i.e., the one in the place of celebration, residence of one or both parties, or even the one in whose district the most evidence is to be gathered.
As a result of Pope Francis' reform in the area of process, the number of local tribunals has greatly increased, thus facilitating the faithful who wish to have recourse to them.
Also dealt with at the diocesan level are criminal cases, which can then be appealed to the Tribunal of the Roman Rota, except for those related to delicta graviora, i.e., child abuse, which are the responsibility of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith.